Sunday, March 13, 2011

Bra burning? Not quite....

How do you know you have too many activities happening in a week? Probably if you can't find half an hour to put down some sort of thought in a blog, that might be an indication. It's been crazy in the MacGillivray household. Dave and I have had lots of things happening and we have been playing tag a bit. I come home from work just in time for Dave to leave. I go to bed before Dave gets home. Dave comes home the next day and I go out to a meeting. It's not everyday, but it's more than I would like. It's not the greatest and I can't quite work out what needs to go, what we need to cut out of the timetable. Probably need to learn to say no but it's pretty hard.

The main thing I did this week that is connected to lymphoma is that I went into the city and gave a talk for some masters of nursing students, about chemo from the patient's perspective. I tried to prepare a talk that I felt was logical, interesting and had a bit of a structure, rather than just waffle on about stories. It went quite well, but I did read a bit more of it than I would have liked. Dave gave me a hand and bashed out a powerpoint presentation which was good to have. I got some good feedback about it, which was encouraging.

On that same morning I attended an International Women's Day breakfast. I did have to catch a train at 5:39, which was a bit ridiculous, but it was a good breakfast. There were over 2000 people, mostly women, in the convention centre for breakfast. It was a bit strange. Lots of older ladies who probably remember times past when things for women were quite different. There was a physicist who gave the main address. She was fairly interesting and excited about what she does, but I didn't think her talk was brilliant or incredibly inspiring. I still haven't quite worked out what I think about all things womanly or feminist, except to say that I think it's quite complicated. I don't think it is a problem to be solved, but I do feel that it is good for me to think the issues through and make some decisions about where I stand.

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