Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Obla-di obla-da life goes on...

The results of my blood test are consistent with ovarian failure. The chemo has screwed them up. So that means I'm experiencing early menopause. It's not nice. I don't have too many horrid symptoms but the hot flushes are pretty crap. I'm going to see my GP tomorrow to find out a bit more and see what, if anything, can be done.

I haven't really been thinking about it too much, but when I do pause to reflect I (as is often the case) am divided. On one hand, I don't mind. I have two children, I have reproduced. The ovaries have served their purpose. Their demise is just another part of the strange land of lymphoma I never planned to live in. On the other, however, I mourn the loss of those tiny kidney shaped organs. There was a possibility we may have attempted a third child but that is no longer an option. My body is letting me down again and it's sad and annoying.

I have read some forums and reports of people who go through a period of ovarian failure but then they somehow right themselves and start to function again. It's early days, so we shall see what happens in my case.

Other than that, I intend to run the corporate cup tomorrow. The last corporate cup run I remember doing was mid September 2009 and I had a wonky turn after it - it was an indication that all was not well and I went to the doctors. I'm not sure if I did any more corporate cup runs after that, it's all a bit of a blur. Six weeks later I was diagnosed.

Anyway, life does indeed go on.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Hot flushes

I've been to see Dr Giri again for yet another check-up. I should just get used to it because they're not going to end anytime soon.

My blood test was all clear and normal, so that was nice. I did have something to ask him about though....I've been having hot flushes and wondered what it might be. He told me that it may be due to ovarian failure causing early onset menopause. Excellent. I did know that there was a chance that may happen but hadn't thought much about it. I definitely hadn't thought of actually experiencing hot flushes. I've had nanna-ish tendencies for a long time and this may be just another example of how that plays out physically.

Dr Giri sent me off to get a blood test and I'm waiting to find out what the result shows. I don't think I'm too fussed, I just would like to know what's going on. I would like to not have hot flushes though, because they are pretty annoying.

I don't think about my treatment much but when I was heading up to level 7 of the east wing the other day I realised how familiar and habitual it felt. I had to go up there a lot and it's not good to have to go into a hospital that much, unless you work there. Even though things have moved along and life has mostly found a new normal, that time and its wider repercussions still hang close to me.

Other than health issues, things have been trundling along in our household. It was my birthday yesterday and I had a lovely day. We enjoyed a tasty family brunchy/lunchy deliciousness and then then girls stayed overnight with Dave's sister while we went to the cinema, had dinner together, slept without interruption and had a peaceful breakfast.