I've been slack with adding new posts, but there's really not much to say and life is back to its old frantic pace so there's not much time to add anything even if there was something worthy of note.
In April I had a few check up tests - a heart scan, a lung function test and a CT scan as well as the usual blood test. I went to see Dr Giri for the results and everything was fine. My lung function was 110% of whatever is normal for females my weight, height and age so that was good news.
In late May I ran a half marathon (21.1 km) and managed to finish in 2 hours, 7 minutes and 31 seconds, a time I'm pretty proud of. It was a good course, nice weather and I had trained fairly well in preparation. After that I didn't run for a while but I'm back to training again now - aiming for two runs in August.
On Monday this week I went to see Dr Giri again and my blood test was all ok.
It's been over two years since I finished my treatment. In some ways it feels that long because it's like it never happened, but in other ways it's a surprise that it was that long ago because it was all such a big part of my life.
In those last couple of years I have heard of and know quite a few other people who have been diagnosed with cancer and every time is a small of a reminder of my own disease. I think I said it ages ago in my original blog but if you, or a family member of yours, is ill for a while and you can't work it out and you go to the doctor and try something and still don't get better, you need to keep going back to the doctor to work out what it is. Keep a diary of your symptoms and weird things you're aware of in your body and get it sorted out.
Acknowledge that you will die. Work out what that means for your life. Make the changes you need to in order to have no regrets. Sort out what you think about God and what implications that has because you don't want to be caught short with that stuff. Morbid again, I know, but it's true and I don't think people think it through enough. I'm still working bits of it out, it's not a fast process, but it needs to be considered.